
“Do not wish”: can the tenth commandment prevent treason

Most people are well aware of the ten commandments and that we should not be given someone else’s. This can relate to anything, from a pair of fashionable shoes to strangers. But is it possible to prohibit your desire? And as a deeper understanding of the issue can help maintain loyalty in marriage?

Give and want something-these are different things. This is how the brain works: noticing something that he really likes, he begins to want it, even if it is someone else’s and we already have something similar.

To experience a desire to normally. More importantly, we do with desire.

Most understands that taking someone else’s wrong for many reasons, and a conscious (although often not realized) effort stops itself. If we talk about the commandment “do not wish”, then its essence, in

my opinion, is a little different.

Understanding this difference will affect whether the spouses will keep loyalty to each other. Inner sexuality has no idea about the concept of monogamy, moral principles or God’s covenants.

That part of our brain, which is responsible for sexual desire, understands only that the desire arose: “I want, and that’s it”

So if you suddenly think about treason, which can potentially destroy the marriage, remember the tenth commandment. Yes, want something natural, it does not make you a bad person.

But to give something to convince yourself that you have the right to do not belong to you.

At the moment when you say to yourself: “I deserve to get what I want, but I want this, although it is not mine,” you cross a thin, but clear line between “wanted” and “decided to take”.

And it seems to me that the tenth commandment is designed to remind us of this: we must gently build borders for ourselves. Especially if it is about starting a relationship, even for one night, with another person, if we have a partner.

This understanding can not just protect from the step, which we will be very likely to regret. It can save marriage.

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